Acoustic vehicle alerting system

EV Sound branding
The electric vehicle sound - is the natural point of contact with the customer. It is very important element of any brand identity. It creates a sense of power and luxury, it can be a source of the communication and crucial point of vehicles safety.
Acoustic Ecology & Safety
The purpose of the Thor Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System (AVAS) is to take road safety to the next level by helping to warn all participants of the approaching electric vehicle in 5 seconds, regardless of its speed.

Safety is the future. And our goal is not just to create a project of a street crowded with vehicles powered by electricity or alternative fuels only but to make it real.
We’re focused on acknowledging and improving the acoustic ecology in order to lower the risks of crashes linked to soundless electric transport.
How it works

behind the front bumper

AVAS is an accessory required for electric cars in many countries. Many also refer to it as a pedestrian alarm, acoustic warning system, or pedestrian safety system. It offers a safety feature that can be added to any electric vehicles, including micromobility vehicles: electric mopeds, e-scooters; and huge ones such as electric buses and trucks.
The AVAS system provides audible warnings for otherwise silent electric cars to increase the safety of Vulnerable Road Users (VRU), as well as the vehicle's audible presence in low-speed traffic.

Business solution
Since each type of electric transport has their own safety standards we always provide personalized solutions.
But our team is not just developing software, hardware and sounds. Our goal is to increase the safety of each product, whether it is an electric car, electric bus, moped or scooter and also to create and highlight the unique product’s temper.
Contact us, and we will come up with a solution for your product
Thor AVAS tests
Our research aims to increase the level of acoustic safety: we observe how far a pedestrian should hear different types of electric vehicles; we select such sound frequencies that are the most recognizable and inherent in human hearing.
We provide multiple research for each sound, taking into account all environmental factors: time of day, location, background noise level.

Thor AVAS are pioneers in the acoustic safety of micromobility
We conduct psychoacoustic studies to understand the sound itself
We comprehensively cover the problem of electric vehicles' low noise
Thor AVAS sounds

We have collected Thor AVAS sounds that are already ringing on the streets. Each sound is multiply tested, unique, and created for a special transport type. You can use one of those or we can help you to create a new one based on your demand.
electric vehicles with our sounds are already on the streets of your cities


Thor AVAS in the city
Thor AVAS is a complete city transport solution designed to increase the level of safety on roads. We are always here for our clients: according to your task, we create sounds, conduct acoustic safety studies, manufacture and install equipment, if needed.
Contact us, and we will come up with a solution for your city

Business solution
Since each type of electric transport has their own safety standards we always provide personalized solutions.
But our team is not just developing software, hardware and sounds. Our goal is to increase the safety of each product, whether it is an electric car, electric bus, moped or scooter and also to create and highlight the unique product’s temper.