AVAS system improves visibility of the electric scooter
Looked at the phone - did not see the scooter = provoked an accident
It could also be because you didn't hear the scooter coming.
Thus even a simple walk down the street can lead to sad events. Accidents on the road involving drivers of electric scooters and electric mopeds speak for themselves.
TO PREVENT this from happening, smart people came up with acoustic vehicle alerting system - avas
And the first introduction of the acousticvehiclealerting system was made into electric cars. And THOR AVAS offers this solution for micromobility as well.
A pleasant, not loud, but #informative sound will allow a person to notice the approach of a rushing scooter and not get under its wheel. The same applies to electric moped riders, whose agility and maneuverability provide certain advantages, but can cause collisions.
In order to minimize the accident rate and at the same time comply with the ECO strategy to improve not only the purity of the air, but also the harmony of sound in noisy cities, our team has created its own unique product, consisting of a base of sounds recorded and created using a patented technology and reproduced to the beat of all vehicle movements . Thus, all participants in the movement understand what is happening around them.
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