Our path
Alexander and Dmitry, the founders of the company, passionate about developing software for cars, meet technical consultant Evgeniy and cooperation begins, which over the years will lead to an idea.

Generating an idea and assembling a team for a new product for electric transport safety.

The International Transport Forum (ITF) in the OECD is an intergovernmental organization that includes 62 member countries. Based in Paris, it is the only global body mandated to promote transport policy for all modes of transport. THOR was one of 11 exhibitors at the summit.

THOR ⚡thunder ⚡ElectroTrans. As part of the Public Transport Week, the THOR company presented its solution to the problem of silent electric transport.

The Startup Village conference and the 9th Startup Bazaar are a unique exhibition of projects, within which young teams present promising developments from prototypes to finished products. THOR presented sound based on a Tesla electric car and a stand where visitors could press the pedal with their own hands and feel the sound reaction.

A product line was launched and tests of THOR AVAS for electric scooters were carried out.

LEVA-EU's extensive worldwide network of contacts allows for the establishment of new business relationships, distribution networks and access to research institutes. The association helps all its partners build bridges between structures that contribute to the development of sustainable mobility in Europe.

Full-scale testing of the system was carried out at the country side. The essence of the study was to assess the visibility of an electric car with the THOR AVAS system.

A technological business event was held to present innovations in the field of transport. As part of this forum, the THOR company presented its project to improve the safety of micro electric transport - the THOR AVAS system onboard the electric moped and electric scooter.

Thor AVAS conduct a large scientific study of the safety of electric vehicles. This work studies how different vehicles are acoustically noticeable (audible) to a pedestrian and how their visibility can be increased without causing damage to the acoustic ecology of the environment.

Meeting of electric transport industry professionals at the ECO hotel. On June 3, a practical event on the development of electric transport was held, aimed at exchanging experience and competencies, obtaining up-to-date knowledge and information - MEET UP 2022.

Thor AVAS brought together sharing aggregators together to listen and discuss issues, hear solutions that can solve various “pains” of the business of renting electric personal mobility equipment (e-scooters etc.).

THOR AVAS took part in the exhibition, presenting their solution for sound support for all types of electric vehicles using the example of an electric scooter. The exhibition was divided into 4 areas and the THOR solution fit perfectly into the “Smart Vehicles” section.

THOR AVAS showcased their product on the stand of Micromobility Europe, Europe's leading micromobility trade show in Amsterdam, presenting their Acoustic Vehicle Alert System (AVAS) on two e-scooters.

The head of the acoustic measurements and testing department made a video presentation on the topic of acoustic visibility of silent electric vehicles and the AVAS system.

A team of engineers, acousticians and sound designers create sounds and upgrade the system, subjecting it to various tests. Including live tests, where real people help determine the visibility of an approaching electric car. To conduct tests on the street, a stand with many sensors and microphones was assembled.

To develop and understand the operation of the THOR AVAS system, the team conducts piloting on various types of vehicles and pilot installations of the product help with this.